Friday, March 26, 2010

Stop nursing’s decline

The 39.73 passing percentage in the latest Nursing Licensure Examination is the lowest in history, while the total of 94,462 who took that exam is the highest number on record. As students, we are quite alarmed at and frustrated with the low passing percentage because it shows that the quality of nursing education in the Philippines continues to decline.

According to the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), there are now 463 nursing schools in the country. All together, they produce thousands of graduates every year. For years now, we have observed that we students are not getting enough training because of the lack of facilities and disproportionate patient-student ratio. Ideally, the ratio should be two students to every patient. But at present, it is 15 students to one patient. As a result, we are having difficulty in meeting the number of (patient or medical) cases we are required to attend to. Many students thus just have to exercise their “creativity and resourcefulness” in meeting this graduation requirement, without necessarily handling cases or performing the various nursing procedures.

Because of government laxity, nursing education in the Philippines has become for private colleges and universities a business whose primary objective is to make excessive profits. We, specifically our parents and guardians, have to bear the combined burdens of exorbitant fees, high-priced school services and hospital affiliation fees. Yet these do not necessarily guarantee quality education, which is impossible to obtain without adequate facilities, modern equipment and sufficient clinical exposure.

Whose task is it to ensure quality nursing education? The government’s, which has been exporting nurses to other countries? The Commission on Higher Education’s, which has tailored the nursing curriculum to job qualifications abroad?

Education, especially in health-related courses like nursing, should serve our own people’s needs. In reality, because the government’s only concern is to produce nurses for “export” to bring in more OFW remittances and because the profits of nursing schools are not regulated, this problem—poor nursing education—will continue.

In the end, we students suffer from the poor quality of nursing education. Health Students’ Action (HSA) believes therefore that we, students, should come together to demand what is due us. After all, we have all the right to demand quality education for which we are charged and are paying for. We are health service providers. We should not allow ourselves to be forever treated as commodities, to be manufactured and sold for export.

secretary general,
Health Students’ Action (HSA),
Syjuco Building, Remedios Street,
Ermita, Manila

Wednesday, February 10, 2010



The most basic reason why I chose Noynoy is TRUSTWORTHINESS. Critics say that Noynoy has got nothing but his mom and dad’s reputation. RIGHT! Noynoy will not dare destroy the sacred name that Ninoy and Cory left in the annals of our history. His inheritance is much too unblemished to be destroyed.

Noynoy’s life has been dedicated to protect the Aquino family (to the point that he never got married to date), and now he holds a sacred mandate from his parents to carry on the torch of democracy and freedom. The task is daunting, and Noynoy spent most of his life trying to live up to them.

I doubt the trustworthiness of Villar, who has business interests on the side. Though he hasn’t been found guilty of the C5 Road Extension project scandal, the mere existence of the scandal is enough for me to doubt. Prior to C5, he pushed for the opening of the San Pedro Toll Exit in the South Luzon Expressway (SLEX), which leads directly to one of his subdivisions, La Marea. It’s ingenious—he has hit two birds with one stone. He claimed credit for this public project, while his subdivisions’ net value has increased twice or threefold owing to increased accessibility. How do I know? I live in San Pedro. Although there’s apparently nothing anomalous about the San Pedro Exit, it’s plain to see that Villar used his influence to expedite processes.

Another issue I have against Villar is his colossal election spending. According to ABG Nielssen, Villar is now the #14 advertiser in the country, having spent almost half a billion pesos already in TV, radio and print ads. Villar’s ads have exceeded the maximum airtime set by the COMELEC by twice as well (acc. to ABS-CBN). Just think of the return-of-investment that Villar will think of when he gets in power.

Gibo is equally questionable. Owing to his “utang na loob” to GMA and her political machinery, Gibo will surely protect her from future lawsuits. After all, Gibo would have remained to be a nobody in public eyes had GMA not appointed him as a cabinet secretary. Furthermore, a report from Journalist Raissa Robles attests to this connivance. Read:


The second reason why I’m voting for Noynoy is the “Aquino magic”— the faith and love of the Filipino people on Ninoy and Cory in particular.

According to the renowned PDI Columnist Conrado de Quiros, the 2010 Elections will be far from being normal. De Quiros claims that GMA will surely not give a fair fight, and will use her political machinery to favour the candidate who will protect her.

My speculations have been intensified when I learned about the “signal jammers” that have been smuggled by thousands into the country. These jammers have the ability to distort cellular phone frequencies, which will make transmission of election results from the PCOS machines virtually impossible. How could smugglers manage to bring in these gadgets, en masse, at this particular point in time? I know your conclusion is the same as mine.

Given this, we need to be unified as a nation should election irregularities happen. If systematic cheating will transpire come May 10, will the masses stage a people power under Villar, Gibo or Gordon? NO. Only Noynoy will be capable of doing that. I’m sure that the people will not allow anybody to trample on the freedom and democracy that Ninoy and Cory fought for.


His critics say that Noynoy doesn’t have the ability to hold the presidency. They say he hasn’t even performed well as a lawmaker. I say, who are they to pre-judge his capacity as president?

I believe that as long as intentions are pure and moral, public governance will run smoothly. Noynoy maybe less intelligent or less eloquent than Ninoy or any other presidentiable, but don’t we have too many intelligent technocrats already? The problem with our society is that we have too many intelligent people with twisted morals, and the overall effect is self-serving—hence, national goals suffer. What we need is moral renewal , to be spearheaded by people with clean intentions and untarnished reputation.


After 9 years of GMA’s reign, our country has gained nothing but more debt, social ferment due to countless issues, and deterioration of national morals. Perhaps you feel that nothing’s gonna change..

But here’s another chance for that change—and the change lies in our hands. Let’s use the chance we’ve been given wisely.


Prof. Randelle Ian Sasa, RN,USRN,MAN (candidate)
Graduate of UP-College of Nursing
National Reviewer

Friday, February 5, 2010


The Professional Regulation Commission announces that application to the July 3 & 4, 2010 Nurses’ Licensure Examination is now open until April 14, 2010 for Repeaters and May 14, 2010 for First Timers. Applicants are required to submit the following documents:

* Duly accomplished Nurses’ Application Form (NAF);
* NSO issued Certificate of Live Birth;
* NSO issued Certificate of Marriage (for married women);
* Transcript of Record with scanned picture and remarks: “For Board Examinations Purposes”;
* Record of OR-DR Cases (for 1st timers only);
* Summary of Related Learning Experience – (for 1st timers only);
* Four (4) pieces passport size (1 ½ x 1 ½) colored picture with complete name tag in white background;
* Community Tax Certificate;
* Examination Fee of P900.00;
* One (1) window mailing envelope; and
* Valid Identification Card.

Applications can be filed at PRC Manila, PRC Regional Offices and its satellite offices. For those who intend to file in Manila, filing may be done at the PRC Central Office located at P. Paredes cor. N. Reyes Sts., Sampaloc, Manila or at the PRC Service Center in EVER Gotesco Mall - Recto Branch. One day campus processing of applications may also be done in some schools which will be scheduled according to zones. The venues and dates will be announced later.

There will be NO EXTENSION of the deadline. All applicants are enjoined to file early to avoid overcrowding and long queues. Only those with complete and appropriate documents will be accommodated. The Nurses’ Application Form can be downloaded at
Visit now for other up-to-date nursing news and information.


Marlon Monillas, RN,MAN(Candidate)
UP-CN Graduate
CEU-Faculty-College of Nursing
Staff Nurse-St. Luke's Hospital
National Reviewer

Jenny T. Pagiuo,RN, MAN(on-going)
Graduate of UP-CN
National Reviewer

Dr. Samuel Cirilo,MD
Graduate of UST College of Medicine
ROD-Community General Hospital
Junior Reviewer

Dra. Rhodora Arcilla, MD,RN,USRN
Graduate of UST College of Medicine
ROD-Community General Hospital
Junior Reviewer

Vicky Recinto-Serdan, RN
Graduate of UP-CN
UP-PGH Pediatric Nurse
National Reviewer

Randelle Ian Sasa, RN, USRN, MAN(Candidate)
FEU College of Nursing
Graduate of UP-CN
National Reviewer

Dra. Yasmine L. Dela Cruz, MD, RN, USRN
Faculty - Our Lady of Fatima University-CN
Review Coordinator
National Reviewer

Dominic Paguio, RN,MAEd
Graduate UP-CN
National Reviewer

Rita Cui Ramos, RN,MAN,Phd (Candidate)
Graduate of UP-CN

Roseanne A. Mendoza, RN
Senior Psychiatric Nurse and
Assistant Program Director
The Academy of Hope
Junior Reviewer

Jovan B. Navea, RN
Psychiatric Nurse and
Case Manager
The Academy of Hope
Junior Reviewer

PORTRAIT OF A NURSE (POAN) Review Center is now accepting reservations for Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination for the JULY 3 & 4 BOARD EXAM 2010!

Makes a Difference! It’s a 45-day Review Package!!!
• 33-Days of Comprehensive Intensive Lecture & Critical Review including series of Tests
• 12-Days of Intensive Final Coaching
• Experience a More Powerful Team of Reviewers from U.P., F.E.U., U.S.T., and P.W.U.
• Diagnostic Test (To determine areas of strengths & weaknesses)
• Close Monitoring of each reviewee’s learning progress and learning outcome
• Effective Reviewer-Reviewee Ratio: we limit our enrollees to a maximum of 70-75 to give focus on the student’s performance and learning.
• Free Compilation of Review Notes and Test Exam package with Free Exam Kit including envelope and writing equipment –with a Thanksgiving Mass where exam kits will be Blessed and released
• A 2-day Pre-Board Exam with Free Lunch
• Thanksgiving Mass Celebration with Program and special awards with free lunch for the Reviewees
• Cash incentives for TopNotchers and will be given full scholarship for IELTS Review
• 15% Discounts to honor and deserving graduates (Reservation is accepted)
• 10% Discount to those who will give full enrollment fee until February 27, 2010 (Reservation is accepted)
• 5% Discount to early enrollee until March 16, 2010 (Reservation is accepted)
• Group yourself into 5 or 10 and avail additional discount until March 16, 2010 only! (Reservation is accepted)
• Tuition Fee : P13,500.00 only and only P1,000.00 Reservation Fee(deductible from the tuition fee but not refundable)
* Settle at least 40% of Review Fee 10 Days before the Review Program starts.
* Installment Basis is accepted with additional P500.00.
* Students who will avail the Discount promo must settle their full Review Fee on or before the review Program starts.


We aim not just to help you take hold of your local nursing license, but also to prepare you in your globally competitive professional world!
We offer a Free Seminar on Special Areas of Hospital: ICU, Dialysis, ER, OR with Hospital Exposure
Be a part of our Advocacies: Medical Missions, Volunteerism, Seminars, Trainings, Out-reach programs while waiting for the examination results!
And More!!!We have Job and Visa assistance!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Psychiatric Nursing Review Part I

1. The charge nurse in an acute care setting assigns to a male client, who’s on one-to-one suicide precautions, to a psychiatric aide. This assignment is considered:

a. Poor nursing practice because a registered nurse should work with this client

b. Reasonable nursing practice because one-to-one supervision requires the total attention of a staff member

c. Outside the responsibility of an aide

d. Illegal to delegate to an aide

2. What’s a nurse most important role in caring for an adult client with a mental disorder?

a. To offer advice

b. To know how to solve the client’s problem

c. To establish trust and rapport

d. To set limits with the client

3. Unhealthy personal boundaries are a product of dysfunctional families and a lack of positive role models. Unhealthy boundaries may also be a result of:

a. Structured limit setting

b. A supportive environment

c. Abuse and neglect

d. Direction and attention

4. The nurse in-charge is displaying assertive behavior when she:

a. Says what’s on her mind at the expense of others

b. Expresses an air of superiority

c. Avoids unpleasant situations and circumstances

d. Stands up for her rights while respecting the rights of others.

5. In a group therapy setting, one male member is very demanding, repeatedly interrupting others and taking most of the group time. The nurse’s best response would be:

a. “Will you briefly summarize your point because others need time also?”

b. “Your behavior is obnoxious and drains the group.”

c. To ignore the behavior and allow him vent

d. “I’m so frustrated with your behavior”

6. The nurse is aware that the primary indication for the use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is:

a. Severe agitation

b. Antisocial behavior

c. Noncompliance with treatment

d. Major depression with psychotic features

7. Two nurses are discussing a female client’s condition in the elevator. The employer of the mentioned client overhears the conversation and fires the client. The nurses may be liable for which act?

a. Assault

b. Battery

c. Neglect

d. Breach of confidentiality

8. A nurse at a substance abuse center answers the phone. A probation officer asks if the male client is in treatment. The nurse responds, “No, the client you’re looking for isn’t here.” Which statement best describes the nurse’s response?

a. Correct because she didn’t give out information about the client

b. A violation of confidentiality because she informed the officer that the client wasn’t there

c. A breach of the principle of veracity because the nurse is misleading the officer

d. Illegal because she’s withholding information from law enforcement agents.

9. The employer of a female client on the psychiatric unit calls the nursing station inquiring about the client’s progress. The nurse doesn’t know if consent has been given by the client to allow the staff to give information out to caller on the phone. Which response by the nurse would be best?

a. “I’m not permitted to discuss her progress.”

b. “I’ll give you the name and telephone number of her physician.”

c. “I’ll have her call you.”

d. “I can’t confirm whether your employee is a client here.”

10. A voluntary male client in a health care facility decided to leave the unit before treatment is complete. To detain the client, the nurse refuses to return his personal effects. This is an example of:

a. False imprisonment

b. Limit setting

c. Slander

d. Violation of confidentiality


# 1. Answer B. A psychiatric aide can sit with the client and provide safety. The nurse is still responsible for assessing the client and ensuring that one-to-one supervision occurs. Aides are capable of providing one-to-one observation. It isn’t illegal to delegate observation to an aide.

# 2. Answer C. It’s extremely important that the nurse establish trust and rapport. The nurse shouldn’t offer advice. Instead, she should help the client develop the coping mechanisms necessary to solve his own problems. Setting limits is also important as developing trust and rapport.

# 3. Answer C. Abuse and neglect lead to poor self-concept and role confusion, which are the basis for unhealthy personal boundaries. Healthy boundaries are established in childhood when parents provide consistent, supportive environment, and direction and attention.

# 4. Answer C. The basic element of assertive behavior includes the ability to express feelings and thoughts while respecting the rights of others. Doing so at the expense of others and expressing superiority are aggressive behaviors, and avoiding unpleasant situation is a form of passive behavior.

# 5. Answer A. Asking the client to summarize his point redirects the clients to focus his comments and allows him to make his point. Telling the client that his behavior is obnoxious is judgmental, and ignoring the behavior doesn’t help facilitate communication. Expressing frustration focuses more on the nurse than on the client’s need.

# 6. Answer D. ECT is indicated for major depression. ECT isn’t indicated severe agitation, antisocial behavior, or treatment noncompliance.

# 7. Answer D. Breach of confidentiality occurs when a nurse shares information that can cause harm to an individual. Assault is an act that results in fear that one will be touched without consent.
Battery involves unconsented touching of another person. Neglect is the failure to do what’s deemed reasonable in a situation.

# 8. Answer B. The nurse violated confidentiality by informing the officer that the client wasn’t in treatment. Even with law enforcement agents, the nurse must be a client advocate and protect the client’s confidentiality. Because it’s unknown in this question whether the client is actually in treatment, it can’t be concluded that the nurse is misleading the officer because her statement may be truthful. Information can be legally withheld when a court order isn’t in place.

# 9. Answer D. The nurse’s release of information to the client’s employer without the client’s consent is a breach of confidentiality. The stigma associated with psychiatric illness may affect the client’s employment; therefore, it’s better to maintain confidentiality and refrain from disclosing any information about the client, including whether she’s a client in the hospital.

# 10. Answer A. Confining a voluntary client against his will be considered false imprisonment. Limit setting is a therapeutic technique used to achieve a desired behavior, and wouldn’t involve confining a voluntary client. Slander is oral defamation of character. The nurse hasn’t given out any information about the client, so confidentiality hasn’t been violated.

37,527 New Nurses Pass November 2009 Nursing Board Exams

A total of 37,527 out of 94,462 nursing graduates passed the November, 2009 licensure examination given by Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) and Board of Nursing (BoN) in the cities of Manila, Baguio, Butuan, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, La Union, Legazpi, Lucena, Pagadian, Pampanga, Sulu, Tacloban, Tuguegarao and Zamboanga last November 2009.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

For all nurses, caregivers, and overseas workers

We are now offering:

IELTS = Php 5,500 FOR 40 HOURS

This 40-hour IELTS test preparation program is designed to be intensive. With the Basic English program as support, it aims to equip candidates with test taking tools and techniques, and to help them achieve a minimum band score of 7 in the IELTS Academic Training test.

Review Schedule:

April 2, 2010

(Maximum students of 25)

Only POAN can give you:
• experienced and highly qualified language trainers,
• spacious and air-conditioned classrooms,
• 100% effective exam strategies,
• Series of Mock Exams and individualized feedback,
• Maxi-flexible schedule
• free bring home materials, practice test book, training manual and CDs
• Mock interviews and consultation with an American Speaker, and
• Free final coaching and consultation
Only POAN's language trainers:
• are top scorers in IELTS
• are English majors in baccalaureate, MA and Ed. D,
• are trained by British Council to teach IELTS
We also cater one-on-one Online review for IELTS
Choose the best program that fits your needs:

This program is a two-day, 16-hour grammar review in preparation for the IELTS test. This program focuses on common structures encountered in the listening test. Candidates will also understand how they will be evaluated in grammar, and apply grammar rules in the Writing and Speaking tests for scores.

Grammar reviews are held on Saturdays and Sundays @ 9-6 p.m.

Review Schedules: March 6 & 7, 13 & 14, 20 & 21, 27 & 28, 2010

2. IELTS REVIEW: A Crash Course
IELTS Review is an 8-hour crash course scheduled on weekends. It specifically caters to busy people who have full time jobs and simply do not have time for an intensive and unlimited program. This program gives an overview of the IELTS Academic and General Training Modules and provides effective “easy to absorb, easy to remember” techniques and strategies to ace the test.

The program focuses on most difficult modules such as Writing and Speaking-areas which many Filipino nurses have difficulty with. The module contains the most up-to-date full length tests for diagnostic and exercise, and provides step-by-step easy-to-follow set of instructions for effective Writing and Speaking ideal for take home study.

* 8 hours training (focus on difficult areas)
* Php1800
* free module
* application assistance to British Council or IDP Australia Phils
schedule: 9-6 p.m. Saturday and Sundays

Review Schedules: March 6 & 7, 13 & 14, 20 & 21, 27 & 28, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


The following outlines the application process for nursing licensure at the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). With the expected rise in the number of examinees this year, it is best to apply early.

STEP 1. Secure Action Sheet from the PRC Customer Service Center (CSC) and accomplish the same.
STEP 2. Submit the Action Sheet for processing and evaluation at any of the Processing Windows together with the following:
• Original and photocopies of Transcript of Records with Special Order and Date of Graduation (Graduates of Government Schools and institutions/programs accredited by recognized accredited agencies under the FAAP are exempted from SO (B). Graduates of New Schools/Degree Programs must submit School Recognition and / or Permit to operate.
• Original and photocopy of NSO-issued Birth-certificate (in NSO security paper; if NSO copy not very clear, bring copy from the Local Civil Registrar).
• Original and photocopies of Marriage Contract in NSO security paper (for married female only; if NSO copy not very clear, bring copy from local civil registrar)
• Four (4) passport size colored pictures in white background with complete name tag.
• Current Community Tax Certificate (Cedula)
• Notarized Related Learning Experience (RLE) Summary, O.B./D.R. Cases, and other specific documents as required by the Commission and/or Professional Regulatory Board.
NOTE: Secure the following from the processor upon approval of your application:
• Computerized Application Form (CAF)
• Permanent Examination and Registration Record Card (PERRC) for first timers
• Notice of Admission (NOA)
STEP 3. Pay examination fee at any of the Cashier Window. Get official Receipt.
• Baccalaureate Degree – P600.00
• Non- Baccalaureate Degree – P400.00
• Removal – P300.00
NOTE: Fees may have changed. Check with the nearest PRC office for updated fee schedule.
STEP 4. Pay form metered documentary stamps and mailing envelope with metered documentary stamps at the CSC.
STEP 5. Accomplish the CAF, PERRC, and NOA. Indicate the Official Receipt number, date and amount on the CAF.
STEP 6. Proceed to any of the Issuance Windows for final review of qualifications and documents and issuance of NOA, Applicant’s Stub, Program of Examination, Examinee’ s Guides and Self-Instruction Sheet.
STEP 7. Keep the Notice of Admission (NOA), Official Receipt, and the applicant’s Stub. Bring these with you on the first day of examination. For further information, read the General Instructions at the back page of the Notice of Admission, Program of Examination, Examinee’s Guide and Self-instruction Sheet.
STEP 8. Bring your NOA when you verify with the PRC your school and building assignment which will be posted at the PRC premises two(2)-three(3) working days before the examination date.